Bard's Tale 1
Map texts and clues
Reveal the clue
"A magic mouth on the wall speaks to you, saying this: What can bind the mightiest foes?"
You'll receive the
Spectre Snare
Spectre Snare Hint:
(view significant spoiler)Use the snare to defeat Mangar
Position: (14,4)
Content: Mangar Guards
Position: (11,2)Content: Stairs up:
Mangar's Tower 3
Position: (21,17)Content: Portal down -
Mangar's Tower 1
Position: (3,9)Content: Stairs up:
Mangar's Tower 4 (Invisible until riddle is answered)
Position: (11,2)Content: Stairs down:
Mangar's Tower 2
Position: (0,0)Content: Portal up -
Mangar's Tower 5
Position: (3,9)Content: Stairs down:
Mangar's Tower 3
Position: (4,8)
Content: "On the wall is etched: Welcome to Mangar's crypt"
Position: (0,0)Content: Portal down -
Mangar's Tower 4
Position: (0,17)
Content: "This is Mangar's treasure trove. Two dragons are here, and they're very hungry. I think you're in for some real trouble."
...Black Dragons
Position: (10,20)
Content: "You stand in the antechamber of Mangar the Dark, evil Archmage of Skara Brae. Mangar glares at you with deep hatred. 'Die, mortals!' he screams.
With a wave of his hand a few of his close friends drop by. They don't look like a fun group."
...Demon Lords, Vampire Lords, Mangar
...After killing Mangar: "Kylearan, the good Archmage, appears before you in a flash of light. 'Well done!' he cries, beaming. 'Your quest in Skara Brae is now finished! The evil one is now defeated, and his spell of winter will soon end. You will all, as a symbol of my gratitude, receive gold and experience bonus of 300,000 units. Fare well and live long!'"
Teleport to Adventurer's Guild
Position: (17,16)Content: Stairs up:
Skara Brae (Mangar's Tower)
Position: (2,2)Content: Mangar's Tower
Item Catalogue
Item: Hawkblade (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Admt Sword (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Admt Shield (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Admt Dagger (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Admt Helm (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Admt Gloves (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Admt Mace (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Broom (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Pureblade (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Exorwand (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Magic Mouth (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Luckshield (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Giant Fgn (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Admt Chain (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Admt Scale (Location: Kylearan's Tower, Mangar's Castle 1, Harkyn's Castle 2, 3)
Item: Onyx Key (Effect: Special: Opens Mangar's Tower gate) (Location: Mangar's Castle 4, 5)
The mage casts a concentrated blast of psychic energy at one opponent doing 2-8 hits of damage for each experience level of the mage.
A higher power "Mind Jab," does 3-12 hits of damage to one foe, times the experience level of the mage.
A sharp explosion of psychic energy that inflicts 10-40 hits to each and every enemy you face.