Bard's Tale Lore

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"The Wilderness..."

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Bard's Tale 2

Map texts and clues

Reveal the clue
Talk to a barkeep and pay gold, and you'll receive the following tips:

1-4 "Seek knowledge from the sage," the barkeep smirks.
1-9"Bribe the dealer to keep him from cheating," the barkeep chuckles.
5-49"The Sage charges 500 in gold for information on magical items," the barkeep whispers.
10-99"Seek the Masterkey to pass the gates," the barkeep stutters.
50-499"The crypt lies in the wilderness," the barkeep whispers.
100-999"The Dreamspell can be learned from the rock," the barkeep grumbles.
500-999"Every city has one dungeon within it," the barkeep grumbles.
Reveal the clue
An old man (doing a fireball trick) wearing a garment of pure gold says:
"The name of it is the staff of:"
Answer: OLD

"Correct. I will say this then: "Go to the Sage, in the wilderness, and ask him of FANSKAR. He will charge you a price, but the information will be valuable." He suddenly disappears.
Position: (4,15)
Content: The Wilderness
Position: (0,8)
Content: The Wilderness


Creature: Archer (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Balder Guard (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Bug Man (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Colossus (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Conjuror (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Druid (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Forest Giant (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Goblin (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Kringle Bro' (Location: Wilderness/Cities, Dargoth's Tower 5, Maze of Dread 2, Oscon's Fortress 3/4, Destiny Stone 2/3 )
Creature: Lagoth Zanta (Location: Wilderness )
Creature: Lizard Man (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Mercenary (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Ogre (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Ranger (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Sorcerer (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Wander Mage (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Warrior (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Wolf (Location: Wilderness/Cities, Dark Domain 2/3, Tombs 1 )
Creature: Wolfman (Location: Wilderness/Cities )
Creature: Wood Sprite (Location: Wilderness/Cities )

Item Catalogue

Item: Robes (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Leather Armor (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Chain Mail (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Scale Armor (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Plate Armor (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Arrows (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Long Bow (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Gauntlets (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Leather Glvs. (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Helm (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Mandolin (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Torch (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Lamp (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: The Scepter (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Buckler (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Tower Shield (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Dagger (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Staff (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Short Sword (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: War Axe (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Broadsword (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Spear (Location: Town/Wilderness )
Item: Halbard (Location: Town/Wilderness )


Causes a dungeon or wilderness pathway to reveal the party's location.

Bard's Tale 3

Map texts and clues


Creature: Black Hobbit (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Blackclaw (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Bloodwarrior (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Dark Gnome (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Gila Monster (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Greenclaw (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Hedge Lizard (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Hobgoblin (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Hookfang (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Imp (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Land Reaver (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Puma (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Serpent (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Viper (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Wildcat (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )
Creature: Wind Diver (Location: Wilderness, Skara Brae )


Causes a dungeon wall or wilderness pathway to reveal the party's location.

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