| | Return to Tangramayne or the wilderness |
 | - | Spinner |
| - | Darkness |
T | - | Trap |
H+/- | - | Health heal/damage |
S+/- | - | SpellPt gain/loss |
<>? | - | Teleport out |
><? | - | Teleport in |
A | - | Anti-Magic |
S | - | Silence (End bard songs) |
| - | One way walls or doors are thin |
2 | - | Dark Domain 2 |
4 | - | Dark Domain 4 |
1 | - | Seek the four cornered letters. |
2 | - | A voice proclaims, “The winged one can traverse the gap.” |
3 | - | A sign says “Stairs straight ahead.” |
4 | - | A corpse is here with a tombstone marked: Hotwind. |
5 | - | The answer to the double doors lies hidden above. |
M-1 | - | A magic mouth on the wall speaks: “Look at the spells of the Sorcerous kind; Who’s the Master of the Mind?” HINT? |
M-2 | - | A magic mouth on the wall speaks: “Speak the word to pass by:” HINT? |