Return to the wilderness | ||
- | Spinner | |
| - | Darkness |
T | - | Trap |
H+/- | - | Health heal/damage |
S+/- | - | SpellPt gain/loss |
<>? | - | Teleport out |
><? | - | Teleport in |
A | - | Anti-Magic |
S | - | Silence (End bard songs) |
- | One way walls or doors are thin | |
P | - | Philippi |
~ | - | The ground is slippery here. |
1 | - | Scrawled on the wall is a message: "Frequency is the ultimate key" |
2 | - | A voice says: "Seek the Zen Master". |
L | - | I think you're lost. |
O | - | Something odd... |
M1 | - | A magic mouth on the wall speaks to you saying this: HINT? Answer this, foolish ones: Is it better to (B)urn out, or to (F)ade away? |
M2 | - | A magic mouth on the wall speaks to you saying this: What truly counts is rarely said; Ask the wise of the Maze of Dread. |
2 | - | Dargoth's Tower 2 |